How to change your behaviors and achieve your goals

Let’s break down the concept of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and the steps for using it to change behaviors and achieve goals:

Understanding Reticular Activating System (RAS):

Imagine your brain is like a super busy traffic cop, managing a crazy amount of information – up to 2 MILLION pieces at any given time! The traffic cop is your Reticular Activating System (RAS). Its job is to filter out what’s important and what’s not, based on what you believe is useful or not. It’s like a personal assistant helping you find things that match your focus.

How to Use RAS to Achieve Goals:

  1. Define Your Focus:
  • Figure out WHAT you want and WHY you want it. This gives you a direction.
  • Example: If your goal is to lose weight, ask yourself why it’s important. Maybe to feel more confident and contribute effectively.
  1. Find Your Why:
  • Use the “5 Whys” technique. Ask yourself why five times to dig deep into your motivation.
  • Example: Why lose weight? To look better. Why is looking better important? Because it boosts confidence and effectiveness.
  1. Inventory Your Values:
  • List the things you value in life (family, health, success).
  • Connect these values to your WHY. If peace is crucial, link it to habits like meditation.
  1. Create a Plan:
  • Brainstorm habits or behaviors to achieve your goal.
  • Pick ONE habit to focus on. Avoid spreading yourself too thin.
  • Example: If your goal is fitness, focus on daily walks for two weeks.
  1. Take Daily Action:
  • Find small actions to take daily towards your goal.
  • Keep a journal. Write down your goal, why it matters, and the small action for the day.
  • Evaluate at the end of the day: Did your actions move you closer or away from your goal?

Remember, focus on one thing at a time, take small steps, and stay committed to your goal!

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